quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010


Certa vez, Nasrudin colheu algumas abóboras e se dirigiu ao palácio, com a intenção de presentear o rei daquele país. No caminho, um amigo brincalhão resolveu lhe pegar uma peça: disse que em vez de abóboras ele deveria levar figos, sabendo que essa era a fruta mais odiada pelo rei. Nasrudin aceitou a sugestão.
Assim que o rei recebeu o presente ficou encolerizado. Achou que fosse uma brincadeira de mau gosto e mandou que seus guardas atirassem todos os figos na cabeça do Mullá. Cada vez que era atingido por um figo, Nasrudin levantava os braços e agradecia a Deus.
Intrigado com aquele comportamento, o rei perguntou:
 – O que você está fazendo, Mullá?
E Nasrudin respondeu:
 –  Agradecendo a Deus por ter trazido figos e não abóboras. 

Once Nasrudin picked some pumpkins and went to the palace, with the intention of giving the king of that country. On the way, a playful friend decided to take a piece: he said that instead of pumpkins he should take figs, knowing that this was the fruit most hated by the king. Nasrudin accepted the suggestion.
When the king received the gift was provoked. He thought it was a joke of bad taste and told his guards to fire all the figs in the head of Mulla. Each time it was hit by a fig, Nasrudin raised his arms and thanked God.
Intrigued by this behavior, the king asked
– What are you doing, Mulla?
And Nasrudin replied:
–Thanking God for having brought figs and no pumpkins.

4 comentários:

  1. Traduction
    Once Nasrudin picked some pumpkins and went to the palace, with the intention of giving the king of that country. On the way, a playful friend decided to take a piece: he said that instead of pumpkins he should take figs, knowing that this was the fruit most hated by the king. Nasrudin accepted the suggestion.
    When the king received the gift was provoked. He thought it was a joke of bad taste and told his guards to fire all the figs in the head of Mulla. Each time it was hit by a fig, Nasrudin raised his arms and thanked God.
    Intrigued by this behavior, the king asked
    - What are you doing, Mulla?
    And Nasrudin replied:
    - Thanking God for having brought figs and no pumpkins.

  2. Muito bom! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Dei boas risadas!

  3. Te vi na "Risadaria, Nasrudin".

  4. Gostei!
    De fato um dia sem sorriso é um dia perdido.

